Monday, 14 August 2017

Silver Bears (1978)

Glasses: No.
Doing an Accent?: No
Accent for whole film?: N/A
Hair: Yes
Does he point at someone?: Oh yes. Yes, indeed.

Best Line: "CHOW MY ARSE"

Unlike many of his contemporaries, our MC can actually pull of a convincing comedy turn, this film being a good example of a lightweight Sunday afternoon affair where we all know its all gonna turn out okay in the end.

MC plays "Doc Fletcher" a mob finances man who convinces his boss that buying a Swiss bank to launder dirty money is a workable idea. When the motley crew of Caine, Jay Leno (!) as the bosses son and a minder/forger/heavy type find out that it's not going to be as easy as all that. 

Eventually, they get stuck into a swindle of importing dodgy silver and everyones double crossing each other, fine friends are made, cigars are chuffed and theres even a bit of a romantic storyline in there too. Wonderful - just the job for when you are laying about and can't be bothered reaching for the Zulu DVD. 

Thats not damning it with faint praise, just summing up the scenario for optimum viewing conditions. Imagine it as a semi sequel to the Italian Job, with Croaker ten years later, and you've got it.

Good mix of locations - the film dots from America, to Geneva, to Persia, via London and back.

Great cast too, all taking it in the right spirit and scene stealing from one another. Prime fashion, good backdrops, entertaining storyline and Cybil Shepherd looking quite stunning. 

What more you want from a Caine deep cut, eh?

1 - The points. Oh the points. This may be the record film for sheer volume of points going on.

(Literally the first scene he's in)

(Note the jaunty look on Senior Caines face.)

Even Louis Jourdan gets in on the act.....

(Caine taken aback at being on the receiving end of a point for once) does David Warner.

(wonderfully done, this one. a graceful point.)

2 - Caine will seduce you

But he will not, repeat NOT, dance with you

(note disdain)

3 - At one point a scene jumps to Leadenhall Market in London. Behold, the pub in the background? Thats the Lamb and was the Birthplace of Caineology and is our office space.

4 - Another drunken turn. Underplayed, but fun. Good show Sir.

(very rare whiskey bottle middle finger clutching point)

Outfit of the film. Leaving aside the fact that Karl Lagerfeld apparently had a hand in costuming (?!), its a good film for threads. This be the pick of many choices