Friday, 20 January 2017

The Man Who Would Be King (1975)

Glasses: No.
Doing an Accent?: No
Accent for whole film?: N/A
Hair: Yes
Does he point at someone?: Yes.

Best Line: Too many to mention. See #1.

The Man Who Would Be King.......a cornerstone of Mount Mickelwhite and in our humble opinion, one of the greatest films made. So all hope of this being an objective review is straight off from the start. A perfect film, made at the right time with the right people, and the Connery/Caine pairing finds these two at the very peak of their powers and playing off one another superbly.

Set in1882 India, the film tells the tale of Daniel Dravot (Connery) and Peachy Carnehan (Caine), two English (oh Sean, no wonder you look pissed off for half the film) ex army sergeant rogues and gentleman who decide that India is too small for them, so set off on an adventure into Kafiristan, to be crowned kings and to make their fortunes. A true ripping yarn, if ever there was one, as we follow them on this quest.

The underlying key to this film is the nature of it really being about friendship and when they are together, they can do anything, but if the cracks appear between them.......then all may be lost. A perfect story and really theres no "skip" bit of this one, its all good from beginning to end.

Although, with it being so manly, you'll probably need to shave by the end of the film as it promotes testosterone production in all those who view. Take heed.

Apparently John Huston had been trying to make the film for the best part of 20 years, with various pairings being mooted over time, but the project taking as long as it ensured it was done correctly. (although I think the proposed Burton and O'Toole pairing may have been meritorious)

Now if you'll excuse us, we have business at Malware Junction.........

#1 - There is a plethora, a veritable horde, an embarrassing amount of "best lines" in this film making it impossible to choose one. Some choice picks:

"We're going to teach you soldiering, the worlds noblest profession. When we're done with you, you'll be able to slaughter your enemies like civilised men."

"Not Gods - Englishmen. The next best thing."

"Not for us, thank you. Not after watching Afghans come howling down out of the hills and taking battlefield command when all the officers have copped it."

"Well if a Greek can do it, we can do it"

#2 - The Contract. or "Contrak"

Prior to setting out, Danny and Peachy sign a contract binding one another to the adventure ahead and to ensure things are done properly.

1 - That you and me will settle this thing together. i.e to be Kings of Kafiristan
2 - No liquor, no women
3 - Conduct ourselves with dignity and discretion, and if one gets into trouble, the other will stay by him.

All legally signed and witnessed, to make things above board. Connery drinks his last with savour

 (note "Contrak")

3 - HATS ON!

4 - Later, when temptation arises (as it normally does in these sorts of scenarios), it leads to a wonderful exchange between our two heroes:

"Danny, lets go find safety in battle."

Which they duly do in the redcoats, no less! This makes total sense seeing as they are proud ex soldiers of classical British imperial pomp.It may be a dusty bowl in the depths of the middle east, but this is an army led by British gentlemen.

5 - The indignant faces of Sean Connery

Luckily, our Daniel is a charmer or he'd a right grumpy sod, even by Connery standards. Who, as we all know, does a fine line in indignant pride, leading to the wonderfully defiant "CUT, YOU BUGGERS!!" line.

Outfit of the film: A plethora of choices here, with the redcoat very nearly taking it, but I was rather taken with this raffish "fur bonnet, scarf over the shoulder, rustic chic" effort Caine effortlessly pulls off.